Learn the Web - Martin Bavio

For the last 15 years we have been spiraling upward in pursuit of a better user experience and Remix is the next evolution of that upward spiral.
Martin Bavio is a frontend developer who's been working in the web since 2005 and he's stayed on top of the modern trends all the while. This has given him a unique perspective on the reasons "best practices" have evolved over time and Martin sees Remix as the next step in that evolution. With a focus on web fundamentals Remix successfully takes advantage of what makes the web so great and also delivers on the app-like experience users expect from web-based applications.

Martin also runs the Moulton Newsletter which is a weekly newsletter about Remix with links to articles as well as exclusive tips and tricks about the web platform.

Martin tells a story about when his "On Rails" blog post got "slashdotted" 😅

(The tweet from Ryan Martin mentioned)
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